A music school built for you!

You are invited! 2022 Tributary Festival Sunday, September 11th from 12pm-6:00 pm

Hello everyone!

We are super excited to have you at the Tributary Festival this year! The Tributary Festival is student-led benefit festival held on Sunday, September 11th from 12 pm - 6:00 pm at the Baltimore Museum of Industry on the Inner Harbor. The Lutherville Rock School will be kicking off the event at 12:00, so be sure to come early to see some awesome bands from the Rock School, such as: Ironically Iconic, 22 Toppings, and North Bend, and then stay to hear the rest of the bands! There will also be food trucks and engaging educational tents from environmental organizations at the event.  Last year we had over 500 attendees over the course of the day and would love to increase our numbers this year. All ticket sales support the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the ticketing link can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-tributary-festival-tickets-349929447397.