A music school built for you!

July Calendar of Events 2023

We have many events planned this month and are excited to do a wide variety of fun activities here at Lutherville Music School! From Cool Basslines You Don't Know to Making A Professional Sounding Record at Home... Perhaps you would like to watch fireworks, come support our LRS bands;  The Glass Smashers and North Bend as they kick off the Fullerton Fireworks event! Want to meet new friends and make original songs? Join our All Star Rockers camp! It’s never too late to try something new. Have you ever wanted to present yourself more when playing your instrument? Join Damian to learn more about Stage Presence! And we can't forget about our Open Mic! Everyone is welcome! So, don’t miss out and get involved!
Here are all the upcoming events listed below:

Saturday, July 1st at 2:00pm Lutherville Rock School Student Bands kick off the Fullerton Fireworks event: featuring "The Glass Smashers" and "North Bend"
Friday, July 14th at 6:00pm Open Mic!
Monday, July 10th - Friday, July 14th All Star Rockers: Camp Week 2, Ages 8-13
Saturday, July 15that 1:00pm Cool Basslines You Don't Know Pt1 with Noah Pierre
Saturday, July 22nd at 1:00pm Stage Presence with Damian
Saturday, July 29th from 12:30pm - 2:00pm Making A Professional Sounding Record at Home with Chris Ranier
Monday, July 24th - Friday, July 28th Baltimore Rock Fest Camp Week 1
Monday, July 31st - Friday, August 4th Baltimore Rock Fest Camp Week 2

Contact Drew, (drewlrs@gmail.com), if you're interested or have any questions.
Mark your calendars now, we can’t wait to see you there!

- Lutherville Music School Staff