A music school built for you!

November Calendar of Events 2023

We have many events planned this month and are excited to do a wide variety of fun activities here at Lutherville Music School! Join us for November's Open Mic! Perform with a group, show off your piano skills, guitar rifts, etc. Everyone is welcome, students and nonstudents! It’s never too late to be involved. Perhaps you play the guitar and is looking for How to Get Gigs As A Guitar Player. Join Noah to learn more about getting gigs: breaking down how to connect with your local music scene and get gigs, being organized, setting yourself apart, and getting called back! Or perhaps you want to learn about running sound for a live gig with a PA system or wanting to know how to create a great sounding live mix? Join Drew's workshop of Live Sound! So, don’t miss out and get involved!
Here are all the upcoming events listed below:

Saturday, November 4th at 12:30pm How to Get Gigs As A Guitar Player with Noah Pierre
Friday, November 10th at 6:00pm Open Mic
Saturday, November 11th at 1:00pm Live Sound with Drew Wright
Saturday, November 18th at 1:00pm Workshop with Carl Hengen

And other future events:
Saturday, December 2nd at 1:00pm Jazz Drumming for Christmas Music with David Wilson
Saturday, December 16th Workshop with Thomas Starr

Contact Drew, (drewlrs@gmail.com), if you're interested or have any questions.
Mark your calendars now, we can’t wait to see you there!

- Lutherville Music School Staff