A music school built for you!

Big Changes Coming for Lutherville Music School

Lutherville Music School Families and Friends,

As we celebrate 10 years of Lutherville Rock School and 13+ years of Lutherville Music School, we are excited to announce some major changes coming in 2024!

First of all, you may have heard that Charm City Run has purchased our building and will be moving their Timonium location to our building. We're looking forward to having our new neighbors, and think this will be a wonderful opportunity for all of us.

There is one big change that will affect all of us. This new location for Charm City Run will be on the first floor, where TD Ameritrade used to be, and will extend into the front half (York Road side) of the second floor, where the Rock School is. They will begin the process of renovating starting in January of 2024 and plan to open their store in June.

As a result, we will be remodeling the lower level and our remaining space on the second floor (parking lot side) to compensate for the studios and rehearsal rooms we will be losing. All drum lessons and band rehearsals will be moved into the lower level to better attenuate sound. With our current plans, we will actually have more studios than we have now, AND a new performance space with better audio and video recording capabilities!

We expect construction to start in mid December and be completed by January with little to no disruption of our normal lesson and rehearsal schedule. The only changes you will notice are that your lessons may move to a new place in the building, and we may have some extra construction dust for a few weeks.

We know that these changes may be a lot to take in, and they are for us too! Many of you have grown up at this school with us and spent 5 years, 10 years, or even more coming to Lutherville Music School every week. As such, we want to give everyone a chance to enjoy this space one more time as it has been since Lutherville Music School opened in 2011, and celebrate the new chapter of LMS that we will begin writing together!

With this in mind, we are pleased to present: WINTERFEST 2023! This will be a school-wide festival involving piano and voice recitals, band and solo Rock School performances. There will be over 7 performance opportunities for our students and EVERYONE IS INVITED TO PERFORM AT ONE OF THE EVENTS!

This will be the last chance to spend time at Lutherville Music and Rock Schools in their current form. Please mark your calendars for December 7th - 10th for a weekend of music, nostalgia, and new beginnings!

If you are interested in performing, ask your instructor for a sign-up form or follow this link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7O361Ply59XOQjycOvGylDGQRBGR8b4_6QKg8EvovMtE94g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Interested bands, talk to your coach, and fill out this form: https://forms.gle/eDHP6uz8JYqXmpmw5

- Lutherville Music School