A music school built for you!

Important Announcement

Lutherville Music School Students, Families, and Friends,

I'm thrilled to begin in my new position as owner of Lutherville Music School, and I have some important announcements to make about the next few months.

First, I want to thank Bruce for everything that he has done for me and for Lutherville Music School. 10 years ago, he took a chance hiring a guitarist in a punk band, straight out of college, with minimal teaching experience, and it has turned into the opportunity of a lifetime for me. Bruce, thank you again! You have provided me with experience and important lessons about teaching and management. I look forward to continuing to work with you!

Next, as I take on new responsibilities as the owner of the school, you will hear more from members of our administrative team: Jasmine (jasmineb.lrs@gmail.com), Damian (drsilvas95@gmail.com), Connor (connormlrs@gmail.com), and Alyssa (lyzzihowell@gmail.com).

Also, we will begin the next phase of construction in the coming weeks. This phase will involve constructing new studios on the 2nd floor, and a new performance space/recording studio on the lower level. This phase will involve less interruption to day to day teaching than phase 1. (fingers crossed there won't be a flood this time!) If all goes according to plan, the new performance space will be ready in time for Spring recital season. I will provide more information on the timeline for this as I learn more.

Thank you for choosing Lutherville Music School and your continued support. I look forward to entering into this new chapter with you all!

-Drew Wright