Friday, May 3rd at 6:00pm Open Mic!
Don't forget about this month's Open Mic! THIS FRIDAY
Everyone is invited to perform: beginner or advanced, students and non-students; you are all welcome to share your musical talents and enjoy the show! Show off your piano skills, have a group of people play a song, or show off those cool riffs you might've been working on! If you would like to perform at the Open Mic, please contact events@luthervillemusicschool.com for more information and performance guidelines. *There will be pizza!*

Yayyyy Theory! with Drew Wright
Have you ever wondered why certain notes sound nice when played together and others sound terrible? Or perhaps why all of those hashtags and lower case Bs are collecting next to your treble and bass clefs? Do you like saying "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy theory!!!!!!" enthusiastically and repetitively, as if music theory is as exciting as riding all of the roller coasters in Disney World seven times (which, of course, it is!)? Then "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy theory!!!!!!" is the workshop for you!!!!!
Saturday, May 4th at 1:00pm
All other future workshops and events:
Saturday, May 11th at 1:00pm How to Jam with Noah Pierre
Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd LRS Spring 2024 Showcase at BC Brewery
Friday, June 7th at 6:00pm LRS Student Council End of the Year Bash
Thursday, July 4th from 2:00pm to 3:00pm Lutherville Rock School Student Bands playing at the Fullerton Fireworks
Saturday, August 3rd LRS Fest - 3rd Annual! Featuring Band Wall of Fame student bands! (Why, Frogs? WHY?!, Mr. Roger's Trailer Park (reunion show!), The Rock Burgers, Ironically Iconic (reunion show!), North Bend, If You Could (reunion show!), 15:51 (reunion show!), and The Glass Smashers)
Contact events@luthervillemusicschool.com if you're interested or have any questions.
Mark your calendars now, we can’t wait to see you there!
- Lutherville Music School