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Upcoming Event: “Making a Professional Sounding Record at Home”

LA based producer, Chris Ranier, will lead a workshop on Making A Professional Sounding Record at Home. During his career, Chris has written, recorded, mixed, and mastered over 600 songs. His advice is invaluable to anyone interested in producing music professionally, or for fun!

Join Chris in his workshop to learn about light mixing and mastering. Chris will start off with production tips that includes drums, synths, recording, etc. Chris will also talk about things to watch out for and more tips for releasing music. You don't want to miss this!
Saturday, July 29th from 12:30pm - 2:00pm Making A Professional Sounding Record at Home with Chris Ranier

Contact Drew, (drewlrs@gmail.com), if you're interested or have any questions.

We hope to see you there!
- Lutherville Music School Staff